Baltic United Company (management company - Regent Baltica Co. Ltd) has been working with polyurethane technologies more than 15 years.
The global idea of our company is to develop chemical industry in RUSSIA.
Our mission is to help our partners to create new production and to develop existing.
Today Baltic United Company has: production and service of PU equipment, structure of supplying components and high quality materials for production process. Also we provide research and project works, implement innovations and new technologies.
Modernization and automatization of production process for our customers (SOFT, remote access).
Our products and activities:
Technologies: PUF for LNG, PUF for pipe insulation, PUF thermal insulation for buildings, PU for customer goods, door production, bath production, technologies of surface treatment.
Equipment: High-pressure metering machines HiStreamTM; Machines for engineering spraying HiStreamTM Spray; Honeycomb and composites systems; Solutions for continuous or discontinuous lines; Support equipment.
PU systems and components: infrastructure industry, building solutions, construction chemicals, composite materials, engineering materials, PUF, R-PUF, coatings, adhesives, sealants , elastomers, rigid foams, insulation, lubrication, TPU and TPE.
Supplying: pumps, mixing heads, spare parts, accessories.
Maintenance service of customers and production.
We provide products and solutions for different market:
Building, construction, LNG storages, automotive, shipbuilding, sports, fridges, water heaters, furniture, insulation, composites and honeycombs.